From today we will be increasing the capacity for our customers inside the premises making more tables available and providing areas to perch where you can enjoy a drink, perhaps while waiting for a table outside.

While we welcome some of the reduced Covid restrictions in place from the 19th July we are mindful that the coronavirus is still circulating. We want to keep our customers and staff as safe as possible while enabling a great experience when you visit Gordon’s.

Our cellar bar is well ventilated with fresh air brought inside and distributed though a filtered ducting that runs the length of the cellar area, and we have newly installed filtered air conditioning and ceiling fans to continually replenish and circulate the fresh air.

Our team will still be on hand to take and deliver orders to your table. If you are at a table/perch inside you are very welcome to come to the bar and buy wine by the glass or bottle for consumption inside. Please do take a look at our Specials Boards, now back in action with some fantastic limited wines!

For those of you seated outside, orders will still be taken and delivered by one of our team.

From today you will see many of our staff still wearing masks, especially those who are working inside and serving. We will continue to sanitise tables and chairs when tables are vacated and hand sanitising points are available throughout the premises.

We hope your visit to Gordon’s will be relaxed and enjoyable in the knowledge that we continue to take measures to keep Covid at bay as best we can.

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